NACHU being a membership organisation, its products are categorized to target several cadres of clientele: a. Affiliated member housing co- operatives. b. Other co-operatives. c. Other co-operative like groups
1. Shamba Loan (Land Purchase): This is a land purchase product targeting housing cooperatives, its members or investment companies that would like to own land for future housing development. The savings requirements are a minimum of 20 percent savings deposit, which should be paid upfront. The repayment period should not exceed 36 months (three years). This product has a three-month moratorium.
2. Incremental Affordable Housing: This is a specific product that has been designed and packaged for provision of affordable housing. It adopts the incremental housing concept, which makes it unique in its delivery. The target clients for this particular product are co-operatives and its membership, investment groups (chamas), other co-operatives and individuals. The savings requirement is a minimum of 20 percent. Affordability appraisal should be conducted during the pre and post- cooperative training to prepare the clients on the product.
3. Group commercial: This is a product that is designed for groups engaging in real estate or small to medium size commercial building in urban centres. The target clients for this product are housing co-operatives, (investment groups). d. Co-operatives and the individual members, other co-operatives and investment groups.
4. Infrastructure and services: This is a product that is designed and packaged for the housing co-operatives, investment groups and members of PHCs who have already accessed land or housing loan from NACHU or any other institution. It is designed to finance infrastructural developments like fencing, sinking of boreholes, power connection/green energy installation, paving, roads, green houses/urban agriculture etc. The deposit requirement is 20 percent upfront. The maximum repayment period is two years (24 months).
5. Site and Serviced Plots: This product is designed for clients who want to finance an already subdivided plot. The plot must have a valid title, which will be the collateral for the loan. The savings requirements are a minimum of 20 percent savings deposit, which should be paid upfront. The repayment period should not exceed 36 months (three years). This product has a three-months moratorium.
6. Individual based Housing Loan: This is a loan granted for the purpose of incremental construction or for completing a new individual house. The savings requirement for this product is a minimum of 20 percent, which should be paid upfront. The repayment period is a maximum of 10 years (120 months).
7. Housing Rental Products: This is a product designed to target housing co- operatives and its members with an already existing project that has a regular rental income that should be able to repay the loan. It’s designed to help expand existing rental property. Investment groups are also a target client in this product if there is a proven ability to repay the loan, as well as individuals with existing premises that generate a regular rental income enough to repay the loan. The leverage for this product is Current Rental Income and the Current Asset/Collateral.
8. Co-operative Partnership Housing Project: NACHU acts as a technical and financial intermediary organisation to form strategic partnership with cooperatives and other investors aimed at accelerating the construction, production and commercialization of affordable housing at a scale. On this arrangement, the co-operative must provide land and guaranteed off-take.
9. Affordable real estate houses: NACHU also develops quality affordable homes to co-operative members and other Kenyans at a price range of Kshs. 1,000,000–6,000,000. NACHU adopts various partnership strategies to engage all the stakeholders for their input in the affordable housing value chain. These interventions are aimed at ensuring affordability (lowering cost of build and ownership of homes to Kenyans).
10. Technical/Professional Services: This provision is designed for clients seeking the following services:
• Project management
• Land valuation
• Architectural
• Physical planning
• Quantity surveying
• Landscaping.
The target clients for this product are Primary Housing Cooperatives & its members, investment groups, walk-in clients and corporate organisations.